Monitor, Manage, Track Grow

Minimalist bank items

A smarter and simpler way to track your Expenses


Never miss a moment! Monitor the HOW, WHAT, & WHEN of your expenditures, on the GO!

100% digital

A digital expense tracker. Presents your expenses in charts and graphs, giving an analytical overview of what you spend your money on. TraXpense gives a clear update on the transcactions details (categoy, date, and amount).

Keep track, Manage, and Control!

Create Financial stability. Track your expenses, follow a plan, build a budget, pay bills, save and never miss a moment in your finances!

Credit card
Connect Your Bank account

Save yourself the stress of manually inputting your expenditures, AUTOMATE it. simply connect your BANK CARD, sit back, relax and watch .

Don't Wait Another Minute, Now is The Time To Take Charge Of your Expenses!